This week is going far better than last week and I feel really good about it! I have exercised 3 days in a row and have maintained my points and water since Monday! I forgot how good it feels to end my day knowing that I did not overeat, I did not sit on my behind all day (as much as you can with a baby at home), and I drank something other than diet pepsi! It seems so minor but feeling as though I am accomplishing something this week gives me a glimmer of hope that returning to my pre-pregnancy weight is possible. I was beginning to feel as though I would never get the motivation back. I believe I can do this, I believe the will power is in me somewhere, and I believe that I can get to a place where I will no longer look in the mirror and frown at my reflection.
The challenge ahead is the weekend. Friday night is looming and I swear there is a voice in my head that screams - time for some REAL food! Even when I was at goal weight, I maintained by following a very simple plan. Strict eating Sunday-Thursday, and "I see it, I eat it" Friday and Saturday. I am definitely a binge eater and find it hard to stop once I get going. I also find it difficult to just have one bad for me meal. The second I have something I shouldn't, I figure I've blown it so I might as well blow it well! It's a bad attitude and requires a change in thinking that I just haven't figured out how to make.
I'm hoping choosing Monday as my weigh in day will help me keep my weekends in check. It certainly wouldn't be hard to undo all I've done in a matter of two days!
Crossing my fingers.....
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